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Shri P Mohan Rao Garu

Faculty Member

Experience & Activities

Shri P. Mohan Rao garu, is a retired District Judge hails from a legal family. He practiced as an advocate since 1978 in both Civil and Criminal laws. Sir is an expert in Tenancy Laws, Trade Maks and Accident Claims. Sir has been selected as Judicial Officer in the year 1987 and worked in several places in Andhra Pradesh in different capacities. Sir has been promoted as Senior Civil Judge and acted as Secretary District Legal Services authority and conducted several Lok Adalats. Sir has been Additional District and Sessions Judge and worked in A. P Judicial Academy and trained several Judicial Officers. Sir has also worked as CBI Court Judge in Visakhapatnam and Secretary High Court Legal Services Committee and conducted Lok Adalats in District Head Quarters. He was responsible for settlement of High Court cases of Land Acquisition of Singareni colonies. Sir has been retired as Special Judge for trial of cases under Sc and St Act, Mahaboob Nagar, in the year 2014. After his retirement, sir worked as President of Consumer Forum Machilipatnam till 2019. He is now a guest faculty in the Judicial Academy and a few law schools and in PALSAR.